At some point in the near future, your key personnel will begin to travel again. Perhaps they already are. As you ramp up your operational support, consider some strategies to mitigate exposure to your travelers and your aviation team.
- Use remote airports not served by the airlines – This industry is very adept at using airports across the country. Using regional airports not served by the commercial airlines will provide a numbers game better in your favor.
- Ferry the aircraft home after a passenger leg – Evaluate each leg to determine the viability of having the aircraft and crew return home versus staying overnight. There is balance between mitigating risk and ability to support the passenger needs.
- Dedicate crew pairings to specific aircraft – If you have a larger organization or multiple aircraft, consider dedicating crew pairs to a specific aircraft. This reduces the number of variables.
- Sequester crews on a rotating schedule – If your organization is able to do so, sequestering crews for a 2- or 3-week period will provide a degree of operational readiness.
- Passengers to cater their own flights – The ability for passengers to “brownbag” their own catering will also limit variables. Alternatively, transition to prepackaged items such as energy bars.
- Flight crews conduct ground transportation – As schedules and resources permit, consider having your flight crew drive your passengers to and from their local meetings.
- Limit passenger levels on the aircraft – Depending on the size and configuration of your aircraft, limit the passenger counts to permit proper social distancing and the associated risk. If you have a flight attendant, consider limiting their duties to reduce interaction.
Some travel is unavoidable; use these strategies to transport passengers as safely as possible. A combination of these approaches along with your own procedures will put you in a position to be in operational readiness.
Contact VanAllen today to learn how we can assist you in navigating through these uncertain times.