Aircraft Maintenace – Part 1
Join Peter Zeeb and Colby McDowell as they discuss Aircraft Maintenance in this two part series. The two talk about maintenance strategies, OEM vs. third-party considerations, categories of maintenance and how to utilize aircraft downtime…

Trust in the Workplace Part 2: The Trust Test
The absence or erosion of trust has been the root cause in 69% of nearly 100 projects I have been involved with over the last two years. But how do you know if you have a trust issue within your team…

Trust in the Workplace Part 1: The Secret Sauce
Lately it feels as if the giant snow globe of society was picked up, shaken hard, then set on the table upside-down. If you speak to any ten individuals, you will hear significant differences in political, religious, social, and economic values. Analyzing these conversations may have you wondering…

2020 Turmoil: Paving the Path to Clarity
2020 has shifted so many things into strange territory. Something as simple as an introduction now requires multiple layers of thought. Do I shake hands? Bump elbows? Just awkwardly stand six feet away while attempting intermittent eye contact? Nobody really knows proper pandemic etiquette…

Maintenance Implications in The New Era of Travel
If there is one thing we have learned this year, it’s that the adage “Necessity is the mother of invention” is still relevant. Travel is necessary. Doing it safely is necessary.

Sweating the Small Stuff: Minor Budget Items with Major Perceptions
Among all the uncertainty created within the last 7 months, it is no surprise that we have received a variety of inquiries about cost management strategies. Regardless of the state of the economy, the answer remains the same: focus on the largest levers that yield the greatest impact within your organization and fine-tune the smaller items…

Six Mistakes of Risk Management
In reviewing an article in the Harvard Business Review: The Six Mistakes Executives Make in Risk Management (Taleb, Goldstein, and Spitznagel, October 2009), I was struck by the relevancy in our little corner in business aviation. The article was a reflection on the strategies that contributed to the financial collapse in 2009 but I was struck by the relevancy of the article to business aviation…

Business Case for Your Shuttle Operation: Is Now the Time?
Today’s travel environment is evolving rapidly. Rarely do we have a chance to observe a paradigm shift of such dramatic magnitude. The volume of commercial travel has reduced due to an abundance of caution. We have all embraced technology more and more to fill the need to “connect.” Yet, there will still be a need for you and your organization to travel…

Don’t Forget the Details: Considerations When Operations Are Paused
With the priority on safety and security in these challenging times, it is possible that other elements can be overlooked…

Protecting Key Personnel: Critical Considerations for Essential Travel
At some point in the near future, your key personnel will begin to travel again. Perhaps they already are. As you ramp up your operational support, consider some strategies to mitigate exposure to your travelers and your aviation team…

Seize the Day: 7 Opportunities in an Uncertain Landscape
While flying activity is way down and resources are available, there are several opportunities worth taking advantage of in today’s unique environment. By maximizing your time, your company will ultimately benefit from it in the future…

Bridging the Gap Between You and Your Management Team
Aircraft management is not a commodity. It should be a customized service aligned with your cultural, financial, and operational objectives. All too often, the relationship between owner and management company sours when these areas become misaligned…

4 Ways to Avoid HR Icebergs
The Executive responsible for Aviation relies on their Aviation Leader to steer the company safely away from risks; aviation icebergs that may be ahead of them. Most commonly, these are operational or compliance risks. Thankfully, many resources and agencies are there to support the Aviation Leader navigate the operational or compliance risks…